Friday, November 27, 2009

Going Private

I will be going private and changing our blog page, so if you would like info. please comment with your name and e-mail address!!!
Thanks - Whitney

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Friends and Catching Up on Life!!!

Okay so it is great to run into old friends, even if it is just on the Internet and you can catch up on their lives that way. I couldn't believe how much time flies since we have all left school. I usually just read Terra (Bigler) Lunt's blog and catch up on everyone there, but today someone found me. It was Janae, I couldn't believe it, I haven't seen her since the summer time before we both had our little girls. So almost two years ago, and we only live an hour and fifteen minutes away from each other!! I just can't believe how much everyone has changed and that we all have kids now and the fact that life keeps going. I guess it is one of those moments for me where you just take a look at your life and just pause and say, "Oh my gosh, look at what's been going on!!!"
So it is 3:21 in the morning, and you are probably wondering why I am up? Well we are definitely getting used to the breastfeeding routine, but now I just can't go back to sleep which is really odd, and also the fact that we finally have moved back over to our home. So I am getting used to our little home again. (We were living with Mom and Dad due to me having so many complications with Mr. Gatlin!!!) It is so nice to have it, and I am starting to feel alive again with energy, but I still need those little naps to get me through the day!!!
So everyone is asking how Mrs. Daya is handling being a "Big Sister"? Well she is actually doing quite well. She has only bit her brother twice, and sat on him a couple of times, but other than that, they are like two peas in a pod. So we went to church on Sunday, and trying to get the two kids ready plus myself was a little bit of a chore, but we managed only being about 25 minutes late, so I was quite impressed considering I finally got up from my morning nap at about 8:30, so I thought we were doing good! We anyways I get out of the shower and then Chris and Daya get in and that gives me time to kind of get ready, then Chris sends Daya out and I get her on the bed. Well Gatlin was laying on the bed and what does she do? She cuddles up right next to him like they were two peas in a pod, it was so dang cute. She does love her brother so much!!!
Well I guess I better try to get some sleep before my little bear wakes up and wants to eat again, but it was great to get caught up on other peoples blogs!!!
Love ya all - The Lewis Family

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our New Addition

This is our beautiful baby boy, Christopher Gatlin Albert Lewis. He was welcomed into the world on our Anniversary, which was April 21, 2009. He was born at 3:28 in the afternoon, and has been such a great baby. He weighed in at a whopping 7 lbs and 11 ounces and was 21 inches long. We had to stay in the hospital a couple of days with him because of John dis, but we were finally able to bring him home late Friday night. He was born at 36 weeks so he was a little early, but thankful everything is in check. We did have a rough start with eating, but he sure is catching on.
Our beautiful daughter was so blessed to be watched by family members and friends and I especially want to thank "Jor and Momma" for watching her and taking her on a shopping spree to get some new clothes for the summer. She really enjoyed visiting Grandpa and Grandma Daley, and had lots of fun with them. Thanks also to my Sweet Mother and Father and of Course our "Fantastic Friends" my sister Mindy's family for watching her.
It has been a long journey to get this far with this lovely child, but am so grateful for the opportunity that we have to have him in our home, he truly is a special child.
Well we love everyone, and hope that you can all come and see our new addition soon.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


So this is Daya playing in Uncle Randall's tail water from the field by Aunt Kathy's house. She loves to go with her dad and help water the fields. She is a true farm girl!!!
This is Daya helping Katelynn frost cookies as you can see she though she needed to put her whole hand in the frosting. They sure were ummy cookies!!!!

This one is Daya hunting Easter eggs at the ward party. This year it got moved to the church, it was still lots of fun for her, even if the weather wasn't quite what it could have been!!! Oh, well she collected three eggs, two filled with candy and then one hard boiled egg. We put that one back in the carton for someone to take home!!!

This is our pretty Easter Dress that the Easter Bunny left us, along with some cute sandals that were a little bit big, but they matched perfect for the dress!!!

So this is what we have been up to lately, going and going! We got checked by the Dr. on Thursday, and he measured me and we are measuring 38 weeks, even though they are thinking that we are supposed to be 35 weeks!!! So this next Thursday (if we last that long) we will have an ultra sound and see how much he weighs and what weeks we will really be at. The reason I say if we last that long is because we are on a TRIBUTALINE pump, anyone that is pregnant might know something about this, this is something that helps settle down the contractions in your uterus. So I have been on this stuff for two weeks! It really makes you jittery and unsettled, it's not that fun to be on. So hopefully Thursday will be our last day on this stuff! So keep us in your prayers as we are getting closer and closer!

We love everyone and miss everyone and hope that everyone had a "HOPPY EASTER"!!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hopscotch with Cousins

This would be Daya playing hopscotch with her "fantastic friends" my sister Mindy's children. She loves to do anything that they are doing. You can see in the video that she is trying really hard to jump. She has only mastered this one time and that was when she was mad and upset because she was told "NO".


This would be my newest hairstyle for my daughter. It doesn't seem to take me more than a couple of minutes, but she puts up with it for now. She also loves to play in any cupboard and tub as you can see. I just thought I would upload a few new photos.

My status is, I am doing okay, I really have to watch what I do because it can send me into a whirl wind. They do have me on a pump that I have to wear everyday all day long, it helps but at the same time it is quite annoying. I am also not good at sticking the needle in, so my helpful husband has to do it for me. I just can't do it, I don't know why it just freaks me out.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Strength and Creativeness

Okay so I found this video on a friends blog and I just wanted to share it with everyone out there. I really do hope that this touches everyone the way that it has done for me. Our callings as mothers in this life is something that no one can take away from us. To feel the love and spirit of the sweet child that we carry within us is something that our heavenly father as only given us the option to be apart of. I am so thankful for just that simple opporunity, I am thankful for the gospel and the plan of salvation and the knowledge that was given to me from my parents and teachers. I am thankful for the option of being able to "Create!!!" in this day and age.

Also this sweet child of mine that thinks he needs to come and visit this family early, well here is a picture of him looking straight at you!!! This would be our little precious baby boy. I just got out of the hospital yesterday and am on some pretty powerful medicine, but I wanted to just update our blog and say how thankful I am for my family and friends.

I love you all and miss you!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One full day at the E.R.

Does anyone want a sick family? Yes we have all been really sick in our family with an awful cold that is going around. Daya got the worst of it from when I had my doctors appointment last week. We had ended up taking her to the E.R. early Friday morning and they just said she had an upper respiratory infection. Well then by the time that we get checked out of the E.R. and then get her prescriptions filled it is the afternoon. Well we came home and took a nap and by the time that we both woke up she was in respiratory distress. We had to run her back to the E.R. and finally after three breathing treatments we were on our way to recovery. I was so thankful for my dad giving a priesthood blessing and for my husband wanting it. The pediatricion that was on call was wonderful and stayed with us until they got us on the floor and that was about 9:00 p.m., then she returned before 8:00 a.m. the next morning. I was very impressed with her and am thankful for heavenly sending someone who would know what to do with our daughter. She ended up having croup, and that has been one of the hardest things to kick I think thus far.
Well we are all trying to get better since we all seem to have caught different types of colds.
Well we love you all and miss all of you and hope everyone is feeling good!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009


My sister had this on her blog and I thought it would be fun to keep it going....So Let's Play! Here's how it works-the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive, at some point during the year, a handmade gift from me. What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise! The catch is that you must participate as well. Before you leave your comment here, write up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going. Then come back, let me know you're going to play, and sit back and anticipate the arrival of your gift! Remember that only the first 3 comments will receive a gift from me, so be quick! It sounds like fun so lets keep it going....thanks for playing!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Another Day In Paradise

Well what has been happening this week. Well Daya decided she needed a midnight snack...that would consist of some juice and dog food. My dad has been pulling the dog food in at night so the "night animals" won't help themselves to the food. I was so shocked, I couldn't believe it, I made her spit it out. We also had fun trip yesterday to Safford. On the way home we decided to get ice cream from Dairy Queen and Chris asked me if we should get Daya anything. I said sure, we can get her a dilly bar from D.Q. Well that was a nice trip home, about the time we passed Ash Peak, that was enough of the ice cream, it was every where. It's just been "another day in paradise."
I do have to say that I am loving it though! I just can't wait for her play Buddie to get here. I am patiently awaiting his arrival.
We are also so excited about tomorrow, and I will blog and add pictures from this week and also pictures from tomorrow all at the same time.
Love and miss all of you!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Temple Blessings

Well I know a lot of you are anticipating the Gila Valley Temple!!! We can't wait, it was such an exciting experience to be able to watch the broadcast of the ground breaking yesterday and to be able to feel the spirit of all of those who were there, in this life and the life beyond. I just wanted to share that we really felt the spirit especially of my G & G Thygerson, that side of the family was really there. Let me tell you that this temple is going to be biggest blessing for our family. Our family goal with the help of our Bishop is to be able to be endowed once this temple is built and to be able to have our family sealed together for time and all eternity. This is one of the most exciting things that I have ever had an interview with the Bishop about.

I am thankful for a loving father in heaven who is forgiving and for the atonement that our heavenly father so gave us. I am thankful for second chances and the opportunity to do this side by side with my husband and grow together with him and see his changes as he grows closer to thee.

This next Sunday will be a great start to all of this. Chris will be receiving the Aronic Priesthood, and he is very excited. He thought that when he was baptized he was ordained along with it, but they is no record, and Bishop would just like to have it done the right way twice rather than to have it all taken away.

I am thankful for all of the blessings that our family has received and really do appreciate the examples in our ward that have helped friendship Chris. I am thankful for all of my family and friends also.

I guess you can say that I am kind of bearing my testimony. Well please keep us in your prays and we try to meet this goal!!! So here we go...eagerly awaiting the temple to be built so help us get the things done which we need to do to get to the Celestial Kingdom!!!!

Love you all!!! - Whitney

Friday, February 6, 2009


Okay I promised some pictures...hope you enjoy!!! They are at the bottom of the screen!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well we are having a boy!!! So we have a name already and are extremely happy with it. Chris is so excited, he just can't wait for him to come out. I would post a picture of the little guy except every time they take a picture of him, we are in the hospital and it really isn't a priority to give us one.
So this is what has been happening for the last couple of months. I have been in and out of the hospital in Silver City, NM at least four or five times. The finally took my gal bladder out on the 8th of January. That was a little scary for the baby, but they had someone doing fetal hear tones the whole time I was in surgery so I was grateful for that, and I had bot the Surgeon and my OBGYN in there also so I was comforted by that. Now the hard part is trying to recuperate from that experience. It really has worn me out, and still from time to time depending on what I eat it still makes me really sick.
Well last night we had the Claridge family over for Family Home Evening and it was really nice. Let me just say that it was one of the quickest ones that I have ever been to. It took a total of like 5-8 minutes. It was really fun though all of the kids participated and then at the end we all sang fun songs for Daya to enjoy. She really did love the "popcorn popping on the apricot tree," and "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam." She loves to the actions, it is just so cute.
Let's see, I guess I should say some of the fun things that Daya has been up to lately. She loves to "practice" the piano with her Papa everyday. He sets her up on the bench and she plays for a little bit and then she will reach up and turn the page like she has finished practicing. It is really quite funny. She also has been so active and getting into everything. She loves to walk around on her "tippy toes" and run as fast as she can. She loves to read books to her herself and she also has been a good mom to her babies (when she remembers).
Our family had a wonderful Christmas, we got to spend it here with mom and dad. It was nice to see family that came in spurts, but we Christmas a couple of times, but during that time of the season who can get enough right?
Well I have to go, but I will write again soon...I promise, and I will update with pictures soon also. Love you all and hope that everyone is doing well. We miss you all!!!