Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One full day at the E.R.

Does anyone want a sick family? Yes we have all been really sick in our family with an awful cold that is going around. Daya got the worst of it from when I had my doctors appointment last week. We had ended up taking her to the E.R. early Friday morning and they just said she had an upper respiratory infection. Well then by the time that we get checked out of the E.R. and then get her prescriptions filled it is the afternoon. Well we came home and took a nap and by the time that we both woke up she was in respiratory distress. We had to run her back to the E.R. and finally after three breathing treatments we were on our way to recovery. I was so thankful for my dad giving a priesthood blessing and for my husband wanting it. The pediatricion that was on call was wonderful and stayed with us until they got us on the floor and that was about 9:00 p.m., then she returned before 8:00 a.m. the next morning. I was very impressed with her and am thankful for heavenly sending someone who would know what to do with our daughter. She ended up having croup, and that has been one of the hardest things to kick I think thus far.
Well we are all trying to get better since we all seem to have caught different types of colds.
Well we love you all and miss all of you and hope everyone is feeling good!!!

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