Okay so I found this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhLlnq5yY7k&eurl=http://mattandhollibesse.blogspot.com/&feature=player_embedded on a friends blog and I just wanted to share it with everyone out there. I really do hope that this touches everyone the way that it has done for me. Our callings as mothers in this life is something that no one can take away from us. To feel the love and spirit of the sweet child that we carry within us is something that our heavenly father as only given us the option to be apart of. I am so thankful for just that simple opporunity, I am thankful for the gospel and the plan of salvation and the knowledge that was given to me from my parents and teachers. I am thankful for the option of being able to "Create!!!" in this day and age.
Also this sweet child of mine that thinks he needs to come and visit this family early, well here is a picture of him looking straight at you!!! This would be our little precious baby boy. I just got out of the hospital yesterday and am on some pretty powerful medicine, but I wanted to just update our blog and say how thankful I am for my family and friends.
I love you all and miss you!!
Sister, glad you are home. Please hold that litte one in longer. Our prayers are with you. We love you. Miss you.....:) Thanks for sharing that video.
Whitney I'm glad your home and I hope you're doing okay! You tell that little guy to stay in there! It's not time to come out yet! We love you!
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