This one is Daya hunting Easter eggs at the ward party. This year it got moved to the church, it was still lots of fun for her, even if the weather wasn't quite what it could have been!!! Oh, well she collected three eggs, two filled with candy and then one hard boiled egg. We put that one back in the carton for someone to take home!!!
This is our pretty Easter Dress that the Easter Bunny left us, along with some cute sandals that were a little bit big, but they matched perfect for the dress!!!
So this is what we have been up to lately, going and going! We got checked by the Dr. on Thursday, and he measured me and we are measuring 38 weeks, even though they are thinking that we are supposed to be 35 weeks!!! So this next Thursday (if we last that long) we will have an ultra sound and see how much he weighs and what weeks we will really be at. The reason I say if we last that long is because we are on a TRIBUTALINE pump, anyone that is pregnant might know something about this, this is something that helps settle down the contractions in your uterus. So I have been on this stuff for two weeks! It really makes you jittery and unsettled, it's not that fun to be on. So hopefully Thursday will be our last day on this stuff! So keep us in your prayers as we are getting closer and closer!
We love everyone and miss everyone and hope that everyone had a "HOPPY EASTER"!!!!
Daya's so cute. I sure miss that girl. I like her Easter dress. I liked when I was little and would get Easter dresses. I should have gotten one this year for myself! We love you guys and are glad that you've lasted so long on that pump. It doesn't sound fun! Hope everything goes well for you!
The boys were so excited to see pictures of Daya. Easton calls her "Silly Daya Do" She is so cute. I love her little Easter dress. Oh, how we miss our cousins. We hope you are doing well. Love you guys.....:)
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