Friday, November 27, 2009
Going Private
Thanks - Whitney
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Friends and Catching Up on Life!!!
So it is 3:21 in the morning, and you are probably wondering why I am up? Well we are definitely getting used to the breastfeeding routine, but now I just can't go back to sleep which is really odd, and also the fact that we finally have moved back over to our home. So I am getting used to our little home again. (We were living with Mom and Dad due to me having so many complications with Mr. Gatlin!!!) It is so nice to have it, and I am starting to feel alive again with energy, but I still need those little naps to get me through the day!!!
So everyone is asking how Mrs. Daya is handling being a "Big Sister"? Well she is actually doing quite well. She has only bit her brother twice, and sat on him a couple of times, but other than that, they are like two peas in a pod. So we went to church on Sunday, and trying to get the two kids ready plus myself was a little bit of a chore, but we managed only being about 25 minutes late, so I was quite impressed considering I finally got up from my morning nap at about 8:30, so I thought we were doing good! We anyways I get out of the shower and then Chris and Daya get in and that gives me time to kind of get ready, then Chris sends Daya out and I get her on the bed. Well Gatlin was laying on the bed and what does she do? She cuddles up right next to him like they were two peas in a pod, it was so dang cute. She does love her brother so much!!!
Well I guess I better try to get some sleep before my little bear wakes up and wants to eat again, but it was great to get caught up on other peoples blogs!!!
Love ya all - The Lewis Family
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Our New Addition

Sunday, April 12, 2009
This one is Daya hunting Easter eggs at the ward party. This year it got moved to the church, it was still lots of fun for her, even if the weather wasn't quite what it could have been!!! Oh, well she collected three eggs, two filled with candy and then one hard boiled egg. We put that one back in the carton for someone to take home!!!
This is our pretty Easter Dress that the Easter Bunny left us, along with some cute sandals that were a little bit big, but they matched perfect for the dress!!!
So this is what we have been up to lately, going and going! We got checked by the Dr. on Thursday, and he measured me and we are measuring 38 weeks, even though they are thinking that we are supposed to be 35 weeks!!! So this next Thursday (if we last that long) we will have an ultra sound and see how much he weighs and what weeks we will really be at. The reason I say if we last that long is because we are on a TRIBUTALINE pump, anyone that is pregnant might know something about this, this is something that helps settle down the contractions in your uterus. So I have been on this stuff for two weeks! It really makes you jittery and unsettled, it's not that fun to be on. So hopefully Thursday will be our last day on this stuff! So keep us in your prayers as we are getting closer and closer!
We love everyone and miss everyone and hope that everyone had a "HOPPY EASTER"!!!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Hopscotch with Cousins
This would be Daya playing hopscotch with her "fantastic friends" my sister Mindy's children. She loves to do anything that they are doing. You can see in the video that she is trying really hard to jump. She has only mastered this one time and that was when she was mad and upset because she was told "NO".
This would be my newest hairstyle for my daughter. It doesn't seem to take me more than a couple of minutes, but she puts up with it for now. She also loves to play in any cupboard and tub as you can see. I just thought I would upload a few new photos.
My status is, I am doing okay, I really have to watch what I do because it can send me into a whirl wind. They do have me on a pump that I have to wear everyday all day long, it helps but at the same time it is quite annoying. I am also not good at sticking the needle in, so my helpful husband has to do it for me. I just can't do it, I don't know why it just freaks me out.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Strength and Creativeness